Thursday 27 December 2012

Nearly new year resolve

Next year I turn 40. I do not wish to celebrate in big knickers. This year coming I resolve to lose weight.
Today we purchased a treadmill, it arrives next week. No more excuses, no using it as an airer. I will get fitter.
I am doing this for me.


  1. Good luck! I did celebrate my 40th in the proverbial big knickers, but this year I have a great catalyst - the marriage of my tricky step daughter. If I am going to be put down and put upon I am blimin well going to do it with humour and looking amazing! so, I am with you on your quest.

    1. Good Luck to you too! The treadmill is going great. I now have to try & I have to convince myself that I haven't earned a glass of white wine when I've been on it!
